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No. 2

Shuttle Bus Service for Overseas Journalists Covering the Two Sessions

at the Great Hall of the People (I)

To assist with the coverage of the 2nd Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) and the 2nd Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the Press Center of the Two Sessions will render shuttle bus service for overseas journalists covering the two sessions.

The service will be provided between the St. Regis Hotel and the Great Hall of the People before and after each plenary session or other crucial events during the Two Sessions.

The specific arrangement from March 2 to March 5 is as follows:

March 2: Press Conference (CPPCC)

Shuttle Bus departing the parking lot of the St. Regis Hotel for the Great Hall of the People at 14:00

(Shuttle bus picking up the journalists and heading back to the St. Regis Hotel 30 minutes after the conclusion of the event)

March 3: Opening Session (CPPCC)

Shuttle Bus departing the parking lot of the St. Regis Hotel at 14:00

(Shuttle bus picking up the journalists and heading back to the St. Regis Hotel 30 minutes after the conclusion of the event)

March 4: Press Conference (NPC)

Shuttle Bus departing the parking lot of the St. Regis Hotel at 9:15

(Shuttle bus picking up the journalists and heading back to the St. Regis Hotel 30 minutes after the conclusion of the event)

March 5: Opening Session (NPC)

Shuttle Bus departing the parking lot of the St. Regis Hotel for the Great Hall of the People at 7:15

(Shuttle bus picking up the journalists and heading back to the St. Regis Hotel at the conclusion of the event)

Press Center of the Two Sessions

1st March

来源: 人大开云手机平台,开云(中国)网
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