2006年全国31省市区各级学校生师比 |
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.com.cn 2008 年 01 月 14 日 |
Student-Teacher Ratio by Province and Level of School (2006) |
地 区 |
Province |
小 学 |
初 中 |
普通高中 |
职业高中 |
普通中专 |
普通高校 |
Regular |
Vocational |
Regular |
Regular |
本科院校 |
专科院校 |
Primary |
Junior |
Senior |
Senior |
Specialized |
Institution |
Undergraduate |
Specialized |
School |
Secondary |
Secondary |
Secondary |
Secondary |
of Higher |
Courses |
Courses |
School |
School |
School |
School |
Education |
总 计 |
National Total |
19.17 |
17.15 |
18.13 |
22.16 |
31.67 |
17.80 |
17.61 |
18.26 |
北 京 |
Beijing |
9.82 |
9.62 |
12.60 |
13.19 |
32.63 |
15.81 |
16.37 |
14.45 |
天 津 |
Tianjin |
12.94 |
12.66 |
14.32 |
16.24 |
23.52 |
16.59 |
16.00 |
17.61 |
河 北 |
Hebei |
16.34 |
16.12 |
19.32 |
22.66 |
30.19 |
18.16 |
18.35 |
17.81 |
山 西 |
Shanxi |
14.23 |
15.78 |
15.07 |
17.44 |
38.06 |
17.77 |
16.80 |
20.00 |
内蒙古 |
Inner Mongolia |
17.49 |
14.90 |
16.25 |
15.62 |
25.37 |
15.54 |
16.48 |
14.10 |
辽 宁 |
Liaoning |
20.72 |
14.50 |
15.25 |
15.83 |
22.75 |
17.48 |
17.97 |
15.72 |
吉 林 |
Jilin |
16.48 |
14.32 |
15.74 |
19.20 |
21.43 |
16.86 |
17.22 |
15.34 |
黑龙江 |
Heilongjiang |
16.32 |
14.62 |
17.27 |
14.29 |
25.92 |
17.96 |
18.37 |
17.01 |
上 海 |
Shanghai |
25.93 |
13.20 |
17.10 |
18.68 |
26.13 |
17.46 |
17.63 |
16.97 |
江 苏 |
Jiangsu |
14.92 |
16.75 |
18.39 |
21.56 |
45.21 |
18.54 |
16.92 |
20.84 |
浙 江 |
Zhejiang |
17.47 |
15.51 |
16.54 |
22.91 |
30.35 |
18.67 |
18.36 |
19.29 |
安 徽 |
Anhui |
11.57 |
22.33 |
19.74 |
39.84 |
36.24 |
18.47 |
18.26 |
18.76 |
福 建 |
Fujian |
13.10 |
16.76 |
16.99 |
26.38 |
17.33 |
17.79 |
16.56 |
江 西 |
Jiangxi |
21.78 |
15.82 |
23.18 |
26.96 |
51.19 |
18.91 |
18.06 |
20.38 |
山 东 |
Shandong |
20.45 |
13.85 |
17.92 |
20.58 |
28.02 |
17.07 |
16.63 |
17.74 |
河 南 |
Henan |
20.85 |
19.00 |
21.94 |
22.40 |
43.25 |
18.40 |
17.86 |
19.17 |
湖 北 |
Hubei |
18.69 |
17.97 |
19.79 |
28.87 |
33.68 |
17.79 |
17.33 |
18.56 |
湖 南 |
Hunan |
17.34 |
13.54 |
18.78 |
22.26 |
57.49 |
18.66 |
17.75 |
19.78 |
广 东 |
Guangdong |
20.28 |
20.78 |
17.89 |
19.42 |
26.75 |
18.15 |
18.10 |
18.25 |
广 西 |
Guangxi |
13.41 |
19.69 |
19.46 |
24.51 |
17.19 |
16.87 |
17.70 |
海 南 |
Hainan |
22.24 |
21.56 |
19.44 |
11.75 |
46.04 |
19.07 |
18.47 |
19.90 |
重 庆 |
Chongqing |
22.19 |
18.78 |
18.60 |
22.94 |
56.53 |
18.20 |
17.95 |
18.77 |
四 川 |
Sichuan |
23.52 |
18.96 |
18.68 |
26.65 |
31.55 |
18.21 |
17.84 |
19.01 |
贵 州 |
Guizhou |
25.13 |
20.26 |
18.88 |
31.32 |
40.75 |
18.39 |
17.04 |
21.55 |
云 南 |
Yunnan |
20.37 |
18.32 |
16.02 |
18.80 |
28.29 |
17.60 |
17.91 |
16.94 |
西 藏 |
Tibet |
20.65 |
19.49 |
17.92 |
34.02 |
14.11 |
15.42 |
10.67 |
陕 西 |
Shaanxi |
17.61 |
18.33 |
20.34 |
25.73 |
34.43 |
15.84 |
16.64 |
14.04 |
甘 肃 |
Gansu |
22.03 |
19.51 |
18.81 |
17.43 |
21.41 |
18.01 |
17.71 |
18.63 |
青 海 |
Qinghai |
18.56 |
16.32 |
14.80 |
27.33 |
17.82 |
14.13 |
13.28 |
17.27 |
宁 夏 |
Ningxia |
21.05 |
18.51 |
17.43 |
23.07 |
45.02 |
17.27 |
16.44 |
18.84 |
新 疆 |
Xinjiang |
15.57 |
14.60 |
15.00 |
9.06 |
24.92 |
16.69 |
16.74 |
16.59 |
注:普通高校生师比中专任教师数包括聘请校外教师。 |
a) For student-teacher ratio of regular institution of higher education, data of full-time teachers includes those employed from other schools. |
(国家统计局) |
来源: 中国发展门户网 |
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