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发展开云手机平台,开云(中国)  -人民币汇率再破7.21 保监会将对交强险经营情况进行专项检查 -国家尚未出手 牛市没有结束 同时被三大机构力荐的2只超牛股 -春节期间猪肉食用油不会大幅涨价 贵州停电致涨价 一斤大米15元 -山东一动车撞倒铁路施工人员致18死9伤 春运买票难三五年后缓解 -能源法草案有望于今年提交审议 企业花招频出规避劳动合同法 -规划师:奥运至少让北京综合发展提速10年 冠军收入将超百万 -发改委召集五大电企探讨加大煤炭供应 电煤紧张至少持续到3月 -中国大部地区将再受持续性雨雪天气袭击 陕西50年最强降雪成灾 -多个城市向国税总局财政部申请开征物业税 北京房价未现拐点 -中国物价上涨非世界最快 08年面临通胀风险
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.com.cn  2008 年 01 月 23 日 
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 Per Capita Medical Expense of Outpatients and Inpatients  in General Hospitals of Health Sector

门诊病人   占门诊病人医疗费% 住院病人   占住院病人医疗费%
        As Percentage to Total         As Percentage to Total
医 疗 费     Expenses of Outpatients 医 疗 费     Expenses of Inpatients
(元) #药  #检      (元) #药  #检     
Per Capita   治疗费   治疗费 Per Capita   治疗费   治疗费
Medical Drug Examination Drug Examination Medical Drug Examination Drug Examination
Expense  for   and   and Expense for   and   and
Outpatients   Treatment   Treatment Inpatients   Treatment   Treatment
(yuan)         (yuan)        
1990 10.9 7.4 2.1 67.9 19.3 473.3 260.6 121.5 55.1 25.7
1995 39.9 25.6 9.1 64.2 22.8 1667.8 880.3 507.3 52.8 30.4
2000 85.8 50.3 16.8 58.6 19.6 3083.7 1421.9 978.5 46.1 31.7
2002 99.6 55.2 27.9 55.4 28.0 3597.7 1598.4 1320.7 44.4 36.7
2003 108.2 59.2 30.8 54.7 28.4 3910.7 1748.3 1411.6 44.7 36.1
2004 118.0 62.0 35.1 52.5 29.8 4284.8 1872.9 1566.3 43.7 36.6
2005 126.9 66.0 37.8 52.1 29.8 4661.5 2045.6 1678.1 43.9 36.0
2006 128.7 65.0 39.9 50.5 31.0 4668.9 1992.0 1691.3 42.7 36.2
Hospitals of MOH                    
1990 21.6 13.7 3.8 63.4 17.6 1321.6 632.4 369.8 47.9 28.0
1995 82.7 55.4 14.4 67.0 17.4 5026.5 2787.0 1271.0 55.4 25.3
2000 140.9 86.3 24.9 61.3 17.7 8584.2 3710.8 2823.9 43.2 32.9
2002 221.1 128.5 55.5 58.1 25.1 11454.5 4646.1 4424.6 40.6 38.1
2003 223.2 128.6 53.3 57.6 23.9 12269.3 5128.6 4376.7 41.8 35.7
2004 234.8 129.0 60.8 55.0 25.9 11916.2 4921.4 4350.7 41.3 36.5
2005 247.1 136.7 61.8 55.3 25.0 12650.9 5089.9 4797.2 40.2 37.9
2006 251.5 139.0 62.6 55.3 24.9 12434.2 4909.1 4653.9 39.5 37.4
Provincial Hospitals                    
1990 16.0 10.2 3.3 63.8 20.6 1021.1 528.0 263.5 51.7 25.8
1995 65.8 43.1 13.5 65.5 20.5 3915.9 2070.1 1224.9 52.9 31.3
2000 134.5 84.2 26.0 62.6 19.3 6513.8 3043.8 2199.5 46.7 33.8
2002 153.0 87.3 39.2 57.0 25.6 7947.2 3442.3 3027.8 43.3 38.1
2003 164.2 92.5 44.0 56.3 26.8 8497.3 3683.6 3287.8 43.4 38.7
2004 175.2 94.7 48.8 54.0 27.8 8925.4 3734.9 3396.0 41.8 38.0
2005 192.5 102.0 52.9 53.0 27.5 9871.2 4186.1 3573.4 42.4 36.2
2006 189.7 99.8 53.1 52.6 28.0 9686.0 4059.5 3437.2 41.9 35.5
Hospitals of                     
  Cities at                    
  Prefecture Level                      
1990 11.9 8.1 2.5 68.1 21.0 624.0 338.4 167.1 54.2 26.8
1995 43.3 27.9 10.2 64.4 23.6 2205.8 1136.5 691.1 51.5 31.3
2000 92.2 54.9 17.6 59.5 19.1 3718.0 1697.5 1207.0 45.7 32.5
2002 103.7 58.1 29.5 56.0 28.5 4270.9 1873.5 1587.4 43.9 37.2
2003 116.8 64.7 33.4 55.4 28.6 4679.2 2064.5 1697.2 44.1 36.3
2004 124.1 65.9 37.3 53.1 30.1 5121.9 2212.2 1903.9 43.2 37.2
2005 130.7 69.3 38.9 53.0 29.8 5452.4 2374.6 1994.3 43.6 36.6
2006 132.3 67.4 41.7 50.9 31.5 5351.6 2254.2 2007.7 42.1 37.5
Hospitals of                     
  Cities at                     
  County Level                    
1990 10.1 7.3 1.6 72.3 15.8 399.8 223.0 98.5 55.8 24.6
1995 34.6 22.2 8.2 64.2 23.7 1291.1 687.3 443.3 53.2 34.3
2000 68.9 38.4 12.7 55.8 18.4 2279.6 1062.6 663.9 46.6 29.1
2002 83.4 45.3 23.9 54.3 28.6 2676.6 1236.8 924.8 46.2 34.6
2003 90.3 48.5 26.5 53.7 29.3 2932.6 1359.1 1006.9 46.3 34.3
2004 97.5 49.9 30.0 51.2 30.8 3082.9 1412.5 1067.3 45.8 34.6
2005 105.2 53.5 33.3 50.9 31.6 3380.9 1544.6 1187.4 45.7 35.1
2006 105.8 52.1 34.3 49.2 32.4 3387.4 1523.0 1166.3 45.0 34.4
Hospitals of                    
1990 8.1 5.5 1.6 67.9 19.8 309.9 180.1 76.2 58.1 24.6
1995 24.8 15.2 6.3 61.3 25.4 880.6 472.5 261.6 53.7 29.7
2000 54.9 29.3 12.7 53.4 23.1 1592.3 751.1 473.0 47.2 29.7
2002 63.9 33.2 19.4 52.1 30.4 1779.3 836.0 624.5 47.0 35.1
2003 68.6 35.1 21.3 51.1 31.0 1901.1 902.0 647.0 47.4 34.0
2004 77.3 38.4 24.9 49.7 32.2 2089.5 975.5 726.2 46.7 34.8
2005 84.2 41.0 27.9 48.7 33.1 2266.5 1057.8 780.9 46.7 34.5
2006 84.7 38.6 29.9 45.5 35.3 2241.3 993.3 798.9 44.3 35.6
    a) Data in this table are from general hospitals of health sector.
    b) Data in this table are calculated at current prices.
    c) Examination and treatment expenses of inpatients inclued expense for operations.
来源: 中国发展门户网

各地区村卫生室人员数 (2006年)
发改委:电荒期先保民用 产煤省不得限制煤炭出省
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