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发展开云手机平台,开云(中国)  -沪深两市放量高开 涨幅超1% 三大因素刺激A股市场大幅反弹 -国资委:效益下降央企负责人将降薪 重点监控效益异常央企 全文 -机构正在疯狂吃进的股票(名单) 为何巨亏?探秘2只四季度巨亏基金 -证券执法新体制初步形成 八重点 取消境外投资外汇资金来源审查 -广西钦州非法填海拟开发房地产 北京经适房再上市拟缴70%差价 -2007年中国GDP增长11.4% CPI涨4.8% -国家预防腐败局:网友举报已转交有关部门 官员揭密反腐巡视制 -全国行政事业单位国资超8万亿 07年国有企业利润1.62万亿元 -10省雪灾8人丧生3000多万人受灾 线路冰冻致湖北3座供电塔倒塌 -湖南怀化硫酸污染地下水 据称数千人中毒 齐二药事件幸存者身亡
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.com.cn  2008 年 01 月 24 日 
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Death Rate and Composition by Cause of Major Diseases in Urban and Rural Areas (2006)
疾病名称 Category of Diseases        Total       Male     Female
粗死亡率 标化死亡率     粗死亡率 标化死亡率     粗死亡率 标化死亡率    
(1/10万) (1/10万) (%)   (1/10万) (1/10万) (%)   (1/10万) (1/10万) (%)  
Crude Standardized Composition Rank Crude Standardized Composition Rank Crude Standardized Composition Rank
Death Rate Death Rate (%)   Death Rate Death Rate (%)   Death Rate Death Rate (%)  
(per 100000 (per 100000     (per 100000 (per 100000     (per 100000 (per 100000    
persons) persons)     persons) persons)     persons) persons)    
城市居民 Urban Residents                        
传染病(不含呼吸道结核) Subtotal of infectious diseases(Exclude Respiratory Tuberculosis) 4.24 3.27 0.80 12 5.62 4.28 0.94 11 2.81 2.23 0.61 13
呼吸道结核 Respiratory tuberculosis 1.92 1.22 0.36 16 2.92 1.78 0.49 15 0.89 0.59 0.19 18
寄生虫病  Subtotal of parasitic diseases 0.23 0.13 0.04 19 0.21 0.12 0.04 19 0.24 0.15 0.05 20
恶性肿瘤  Subtotal of malignant neoplasm 144.57 90.67 27.25 1 181.32 110.79 30.45 1 106.71 68.37 23.02 1
血液、造血器官及免疫疾病 Total of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the 1.44 1.01 0.27 17 1.4 0.99 0.23 17 1.48 1.03 0.32 17
    immune mechanism                        
内分泌、营养和代谢疾病 Total of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 17.59 10.33 3.32 6 15.08 8.57 2.53 7 20.17 12.28 4.35 6
精神障碍  Total of mental and behavioural disorders 3.44 1.96 0.65 13 2.99 1.7 0.5 14 3.9 2.26 0.84 12
神经系统疾病  Total of diseases of the nervous sytem 4.95 3.73 0.93 11 5.35 4.01 0.9 12 4.54 3.4 0.98 11
心脏病  Subtotal of heart diseases 93.69 52.97 17.66 2 95.95 52.61 16.11 3 91.36 53.1 19.71 2
脑血管病 Cerebrovascular diseases 90.72 51.69 17.1 3 97.28 53.67 16.34 2 83.96 49.13 18.11 3
呼吸系统疾病  Total of diseases of the respiratory system 69.29 38.89 13.06 4 76.88 40.95 12.91 4 61.47 35.69 13.26 4
消化系统疾病  Total of diseases of the digestive system 15.61 9.65 2.94 7 18.73 11.56 3.14 6 12.4 7.68 2.67 8
肌肉骨骼和结缔组织疾病  Total of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 1.22 0.78 0.23 18 0.75 0.46 0.13 18 1.71 1.11 0.37 16
泌尿生殖系统疾病  Total of diseases of the genitourinary system 7.28 4.52 1.37 9 7.69 4.59 1.29 10 6.85 4.36 1.48 9
妊娠、分娩和产褥期并发症  Total of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 0.15 0.17 0.03 20         0.3 0.34 0.07 19
起源于围生期某些情况  Total of certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 2.74 6.72 0.52 14 3.16 7.68 0.53 13 2.31 5.72 0.5 14
先天畸形、变性和染色体异常  Total of congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities 2.05 4.18 0.39 15 2.24 4.55 0.38 16 1.86 3.79 0.4 15
诊断不明  Total of symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere 6.83 4.5 1.29 10 8.17 5.39 1.37 9 5.44 3.54 1.17 10
其他疾病  Total of other diseases 12.78 6.46 2.41 8 10.53 5.19 1.77 8 15.09 7.86 3.25 7
损伤、中毒和外部原因  Total of external causes of morbidity and mortality 32.36 25.33 6.1 5 40.89 32.54 6.87 5 23.58 17.91 5.09 5
农村居民 Rural Residents                        
传染病(不含呼吸道结核) Subtotal of infectious diseases(Exclude Respiratory Tuberculosis) 3.59 2.91 0.69 13 4.49 3.60 0.77 10 2.64 2.18 0.59 13
呼吸道结核 Respiratory tuberculosis 2.70 1.89 0.52 14 3.96 2.72 0.68 12 1.40 0.99 0.31 16
寄生虫病 Subtotal of parasitic diseases 0.05 0.03 0.01 20 0.06 0.04 0.01 19 0.04 0.03 0.01 20
恶性肿瘤  Subtotal of malignant neoplasm 130.23 92.20 25.14 1 168.77 117.65 28.93 1 90.12 64.30 20.03 2
血液、造血器官及免疫疾病 Total of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the 0.79 0.66 0.15 18 0.78 0.66 0.13 18 0.80 0.65 0.18 18
    immune mechanism                        
内分泌、营养和代谢疾病 Total of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 8.16 5.50 1.57 8 7.08 4.71 1.21 9 9.28 6.35 2.06 8
精神障碍  Total of mental and behavioural disorders 3.77 2.37 0.73 12 3.45 2.31 0.59 14 4.10 2.45 0.91 10
神经系统疾病  Total of diseases of the nervous sytem 4.16 3.02 0.80 10 4.26 3.15 0.73 11 4.05 2.88 0.90 11
心脏病  Subtotal of heart diseases 71.84 44.53 13.87 4 71.79 44.51 12.31 4 71.90 44.26 15.98 4
脑血管病 Cerebrovascular diseases 105.48 66.18 20.36 2 112.62 70.21 19.31 2 98.05 61.20 21.79 1
呼吸系统疾病  Total of diseases of the respiratory system 84.94 51.31 16.40 3 87.86 52.46 15.06 3 81.91 49.42 18.20 3
消化系统疾病  Total of diseases of the digestive system 17.00 11.53 3.28 6 20.52 14.06 3.52 6 13.33 8.80 2.96 7
肌肉骨骼和结缔组织疾病  Total of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 1.01 0.70 0.19 17 0.85 0.58 0.15 17 1.16 0.83 0.26 17
泌尿生殖系统疾病  Total of diseases of the genitourinary system 6.65 4.73 1.28 9 7.84 5.42 1.34 8 5.40 3.93 1.20 9
妊娠、分娩和产褥期并发症  Total of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 0.27 0.28 0.05 19         0.55 0.56 0.12 19
起源于围生期某些情况  Total of certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 3.91 7.26 0.75 11 3.88 7.02 0.66 13 3.93 7.54 0.87 12
先天畸形、变性和染色体异常  Total of congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities 2.20 3.60 0.42 15 2.39 3.80 0.41 15 2.00 3.39 0.44 14
诊断不明  Total of symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere 1.94 1.37 0.37 16 2.00 1.50 0.34 16 1.89 1.23 0.42 15
其他疾病  Total of other diseases 12.12 6.21 2.34 7 8.64 4.49 1.48 7 15.75 8.03 3.50 6
损伤、中毒和外部原因  Total of external causes of morbidity and mortality 46.12 39.08 8.90 5 60.14 52.01 10.31 5 31.53 25.59 7.01 5
来源: 中国发展门户网

各地区村卫生室人员数 (2006年)
发改委:电荒期先保民用 产煤省不得限制煤炭出省
大范围降雪致多省受灾严重 国家再拨17.5亿补助金
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