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发展开云手机平台,开云(中国)  -中国打造高铁王国 2012年完工 北京到大多省会城市最多8小时 -沈阳11只东北虎死亡续:曝酿虎骨酒来送礼 野生动物园停业整改 -十一届人大三次会议闭幕选举法修正案通过 -2020年铁路12万公里 覆盖90%以上人口 上座率101.7% 实录 要点 -农村消费增长首超城市 抓五消费 推现代流通体系建设 实录 要点 -四省证监局局长纵论资本市场热点 前瞻人民币升值对A股牵引力 -国企老总晒工资只答"谢谢"不说数 张春贤:现在就可带头公示财产 -财政部国土部公布的土地出让金不同 相差1700亿 两者口径不同 -厉以宁:房价太高了确实有泡沫 蔡继明:就算稳房价百姓也买不起 -沈阳动物园另有20只东北虎生命垂危 资金未用于动物 被挪还债
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2010 年 03 月 14 日 
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At 9:00am on March 14th, 2010 (Sunday, the Closing Session of the 3rd Session of the 11th NPC will be convened at the Great Hall of the People. During the session, the deputies will vote on the draft resolution on the Report on the Work of the Government, on the draft resolution on the Implementation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan for 2009 and the National Economic and Social Development Plan for 2010, on the draft resolution on the Implementation of the central and local budget for 2009 and the central and local budget for 2010, on the draft decision on amending the Electoral Law, on the draft resolution on the Report of the Work of the NPC Standing Committee, on the draft resolution on the Report of the Work of the Supreme People’s Court, on the draft resolution on the Report of the Work of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, on the Draft Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on the confirmation of accepting the request of Li Dongsheng’s resignation from the Standing Committee of the National People’s congress.

Journalists may enter the Great Hall of the People by passing the security check at the first door of the south passage of its East Gate with NPC press cards 80 minutes in advance. Those who hold G2 and G3 Press Cards should be seated in Area No. 3, 5 and 7 in the front of the Second floor. (The third floor will be closed.) Please conclude your reporting activities 5 minutes prior to the session.

Before and after the session, journalists may conduct interviews in the area below the steps out of the East Entrance, or the area outside of the Grand Auditorium of the Great Hall of the People. Journalists may also conduct interviews with the Ministers sitting in on the session in the designated area east of the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People. All interviews should be concluded 10 minutes before the session begins. Please do not conduct interviews on the street west of the Tiananmen Square that might lead to congestion.

For the journalists driving over to cover the session, please drive through the East Entrance of the Tiananmen Square and park your vehicles in the designated parking area.

来源: 中国网

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